Meister Aurora Bass Trombone

Superior tonal quality.
By shifting the tuning slide to the handslide, the Aurora Bass Trombone features a continuous, conical bell which not only looks stunning, but more importantly creates an easy blow and superior tonal quality.
Designed through an intensive collaboration with Wolfgang Pfistermüller (Vienna Symphony), the Aurora is beautifully balanced - a joy to play.
The use of newly designed Schagerl rotary valves on the Aurora Bass makes this trombone more flexible and more responsive.
It’s little wonder that Erik Devold (bass trombonist of the Oslo Philharmonic Orchestra) uses and loves the Schagerl Aurora Bass Trombone.
Specifications and Finishes below.
"As we began to develop the Aurora bass trombone, we started with only a bell, designed by Robert Schagerl, to which we added different parts, piece by piece. We soon had a unique bass trombone, which had the warm, rich sound I desired, yet was easy to play! Nowhere is a legato so round and sweet as with the Aurora.
Since then, we have taken the development even further: It now has its own slide, leadpipe, valves, and so many other little changes that fit together so well. The Aurora is an exceptionally well-balanced bass trombone. It sounds great in all registers, and enriches any playing style. For me, there is no bass trombone I would rather play than the Aurora."
Wolfgang Pfistermüller

Schagerl Meister Aurora Bass Trombone
Tuning: B / F / Gb
Bell: 250mm / Gold Brass
Bore: 15.2mm
Slide: 14.3 – 14.7mm
The Aurora Bass Trombone is the instrument of choice for Erik Devold, Bass trombone player at the Oslo Philharmonic Orchestra and Raul Garcia of The Barcelona Symphony Orchestra.
"What gives me the most pleasure as a musician, is to have played a good concert. It gives you an enormous sense of achievement, at the same time knowing that you as musicians have spread happiness to and enriched the lives of those sitting in the concert hall."
Eirik A. Devold